This work was produced from a brief provided for me by UTS in an elective I completed, called Creative Information Design. I was given a whole lot of text about homelessness that I had to redesign into a paper-based product. I reshaped the text into an A4 booklet, which I re-imagined to be a Homelessness Australia product, aimed at teenagers, to raise awareness about the issue of homelessness in Australia. 

I wanted the aesthetic for this document to resemble that of the cardboard housing that is associated with homelessness. I also wanted to play on the idea of not having a home, and the associated aesthetic of the cardboard, to make a poignant juxtaposition of the house, made from cardboard, reflecting homelessness. The cardboard headers and page dividers, as well as cork patterned background, run consistently throughout the document, to keep the overall aesthetic constant. The colour palette too was designed to be in keeping with the card aesthetic, and to provide a melancholic, but still visually pleasing and inviting affect.