Photography Shortlist - People's Choice Award 

TV Dinner
UPDATE: Exhibition now open from 7am in the morning in the ABC Building foyer. Winners announced at the opening. "TV Dinner" won People's Choice Award. 
This photo was composed for the 2013 UTS Green Week photography competition. For this project I was assisting in lighting and composing the production design for the set. 

“TV Dinner” centres on a modern dichotomy: the imbalance between consumption and sustainability. A young couple sit in a forest eating a microwaveable meal in front of the TV. This image explores “eat think save” through irony — the couple indulges in the unnatural, oblivious to the beauty of their surroundings.

Johanan Ottensooser and I composed this image in a small rainforest at the bottom of Johanan's street, in the middle of the day. We “cheated” night-time by using an off-camera strobe and fast shutter speeds. Our main light source was a muted strobe coloured blue (to mimic the glow of a television) using dark gels. Our fill light was a purple tinged LED array, which we used to highlight our model’s faces. In post, the only editing that was done was increasing the sharpness and applying a gamma vignette to highlight the “TV lighting” effect. Many thanks to our models Matt Hundt and Alison Parker.

Film Photography

Click images to open in full screen slideshow.

Let There Be Light - shot on film on a Pentax P30t

Double Exposure Rubbish - shot on film on a Pentax P30t

Zac - shot on film on a Pentax P30t

Digital Photography

Click images to open in full screen slideshow.

Molly Ringlet - shot digital with a 650D

World's Apart - shot digital with a 650D

Kids - shot digital with a 650D